"Transform Your Business: Overcoming Overwhelm, Indecision a

"Transform Your Business: Overcoming Overwhelm, Indecision a

How often do you feel the pressure of overwhelm in your business and as an owner? I hear it all the time from clients and owners

-          “I didn’t get it done because I am so overwhelmed

-          I haven’t gotten around to it because I am so busy

-          Ghosting employees and others because you don’t want to make a decision

If this is too prevalent in your business, then it is doomed. You must find a way to become decisive and take action.

One way to support more decisiveness is to create a decision framework that allows you to process the demands on your time and then make a decision. How do you do that?

1.      You have to have clarity about where you want your business to go and what you want from your business. Until you are clear, you have no standard upon which to make a decision.

 If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.                              ~Lewis Carroll

2.      Determine which activities make your business run. And then decide which of these only you can do. Hire someone or outsource the rest.

3.      Use your calendar to plan and execute on your work. Block your time and protect it. Putting it in your calendar ensures you see how limited your time really is, so you do not over-commit.

I don’t want to overwhelm you so if you just focus on practicing these three things and taking the time to do this you will be amazed at how much time opens up for you.

If you would like support or more ideas reach out at https://ras-squared.com

John Gies

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