Almost every small business owner is frustrated with the amount of money they spend on marketing and advertising. They invest thousands of dollars in digital marketing and then ask, “Where are the sales?” Let’s start with where they get their advice. Consider the salesperson calling on you has an agenda to drive sales to Social, Linked ads, Video content, Facebook, TikTok or Instagram. Essentially they want you to use the services they sell.
This is NOT where you want to start.
You must know how to differentiate your company from the competition; I mean really differentiate. And to do that, you have to understand your ideal client.
You have to know what frustrates them, concerns them, or scares them about making a purchase in your space.
Then, you have to solve that problem. (Most of you do not.) This may even require a bit of innovation.
Think about your client's time. Can you create hours to serve them that are more convenient?
Is convenience important? Does your location or delivery address that?
With a little bit of work here you can truly distinguish yourself, so you are no longer competing on price.
The best digital marketing advice is NOT the platform, so quit buying the platform. The best digital marketing advice, believe it or not, starts with your ideal client. Who are they? What are their concerns? What will they really value? What is your Unique Value Proposition? Then, learn where they hang out digitally and how they consume and use content.
Someone told me that if I chose Tik-Tok I could own the space. So I looked. And I absolutely could create better and more compelling content than other advisors in that space. But my ideal client is not on Tik-Tok. And if they were they would not be optimizing the algorithm to find my services. STOP buying the platform.
Once you know where they are and how they consume you now need to test your messaging and make data driven decisions.
Finally,, you must have a way to connect with your buyers and get them to engage with you. That would be your compelling offer.
Please stop investing in marketing until you have a complete Market-Differentiating Position!